Archived: Day 1/100: Feeling pumped up and energized.
1379 days left
Day: 1/100
I am feeling pumped up. It is a beautiful new beginning. But I acknowledge the fact that it’s easy to get sucked into it when it’s all new and shiny. The name of the game is consistency. We have to wait and watch.
❌ - Not done ✔️ - Done
Commitment | Status |
Code | ✔️ |
Write | ✔️ |
What went well
- Code: Created a nice tracker view to track my progress on my website. Getting back to the basics with Leetcode & Neetcode.
- Write: I did not write 1000 new words. There was a lot of tinkering around on the website: writing, editing & re-writing stuff which totalled well over a 1000 words. At this point my focus is more to get into the habit of spending that time equivalent of writing a 1000 words. So anything that contributes to well written articles is game.
- Other: There were long pending honey do list items that I was able to check off. So feel happy about that.
What did not go well
- Nothing to report.
Thoughts for tomorrow
- Write today, polish and post tomorrow.